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Kindergarten 4

Bible This time includes the Pledge to the Flag, a patriotic song, Bible hymns and choruses, memory verses, prayer time, and the Bible lesson.

Skill Development This time is a fun time to set aside for strengthening listening, fine motor coordination, hand-eye coordination, visual perception, and writing skills. The children will enjoy a wide variety of activities.

NumbersK4 children will learn to recognize and understand the concepts of numbers. By the end of the year, they will be able to count from 1-100, recognize 1-20, distinguish before and after numbers, and answer simple combinations.

Activity TimeThis time involves a number of fun activities, including: show and tell, telling time, music, poetry, finger plays, drama, nursery rhymes and art!

PhonicsUsing the simple, logical phonics system, children in K4 can learn to read. They begin by mastering the vowels and consonants, and their sounds through enjoyable classroom teaching. Forming blends and reading simple words will come naturally after this process.

We often underestimate what young children can learn. Small children are curious; they are born with a desire to learn. You will be thrilled to see your four-year-old learn the basics in reading, writing and numbers.

Kindergarten 5

Bible– This time is the most important half hour of the school day. It is the subject that is taught each day, and by its very nature it should be the most interesting subject. We sing hymns and choruses, and memorize daily Bible verses.

Phonics– K5 children learn to read through the use of phonics. As soon as the short sounds of the vowels and the sounds for the only three consonants are introduced, they are able to sound out their first words.

Reading– Later, they will learn to read many words that contain special sounds. Their reading vocabulary naturally grows with each new sound learned.

Writing– Students learn cursive writing in a program that is correlated with their phonics. As they learn to recognize the letters of the alphabet and learn the sounds they see, they also learn to write them. Later, they learn to write blends, words, and sentences.

Skills development– During Skills Development, students learn visual perception skills, motor coordination, and listening/thinking skills.

Activity Time– Students enjoy music, art, a unit on community helpers, an introduction to American history and geography in America using Our Great Country, and a chance to meet people living in other countries in Children of the World.

Kindergarten is a time to learn more than just your “ABC’s. It is a time of getting the students prepared for 1st grade.




In switching over to SchoolWorx, our desire was to streamline paying your bill, viewing grades, and ordering lunches.However, due to insurmountable issues, we have made the decision to return to the HotLunch App (the same one from last year).Login instructions are...

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