Our Purpose

JCA was founded so that families could obtain a Christian education for their children. We believe that the Bible is The Book of Truth and adhere to a traditional, Christian philosophy of education. We hold that Christian education is a mandate from God for the family (Deut. 6:6-9; Prov. 19:27; 22; 6; Matt. 28:18-20).

Recognizing that only a Christian education can provide the knowledge and wisdom necessary to prepare an individual for life, we believe that all teaching must harmonize with Truth (God and His Word– Matt. 4:4). Therefore, the Holy Bible is utilized in all aspects of our curriculum.


At Jacksonville Christian Academy, we strive to provide an
atmosphere where every student is challenged:
·      To ARM themselves with the truths of God’s Word,
·      To AIM their lives toward endeavors with eternal
·      To ACHIEVE the individual purpose that God has
placed on their life.




In switching over to SchoolWorx, our desire was to streamline paying your bill, viewing grades, and ordering lunches.However, due to insurmountable issues, we have made the decision to return to the HotLunch App (the same one from last year).Login instructions are...

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