Academic Overview
Jacksonville Christian Academy Academics
For over 35 years Jacksonville Christian Academy has continued to offer Jacksonville and its surrounding communities an affordable, safe, quality, Christian education. The selected curriculum (predominately ABEKA) is designed to teach the head and reach the heart of each student.
Students are taught in all traditional subjects, Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic as well as God’s Design and our past, present, and future responsibility through Bible, History, and Science. A variety of enrichment classes, field trips, and hands on learning activities provide a well-balanced school experience. Middle and High School students have the opportunity to participate in competitive athletics, fine art activities, and be eligible for the National Honor Society.
Each year first through eleventh grades take the IOWA standardized test. Twelfth graders prepare and take the ACT and SATs. Collectively, JCA students’ test scores are significantly higher compared to the performance of public schools across the country.
Our primary goal is to increase our student’s knowledge of Jesus Christ. We hope to partner with each parent and be an encouragement as they rear their children. The importance of thankfulness, obedience to those in authority, respect towards others, and personal responsibility are emphasized. At JCA, we are grateful for the opportunity to read and share God’s Word and participate in both private and public prayer.
We believe that Homework is an integral part of the school program, and each teacher is at liberty to give homework to aid students in the learning process. It is required that parents cooperate with the school and see that assignments are completed and that papers taken home to be signed are signed and returned promptly. We want the parents to be aware of their child’s progress, and we urge them to cooperate with the teacher in any way possible, especially in regard to homework. Little or no homework will be assigned on Wednesdays, so students can attend church services.
Homework is given for the following purposes:
- Drill. Most students require solid drilling to master materials essential to their educational progress.
- Progress. Following classroom explanation, illustration, and drill on new work, homework is given so that the material will be reinforced.
- Remedial activity. As instruction progresses, various weak points in a student’s grasp of subject matter become evident. Homework is given to overcome such difficulties.
- Special projects. Book reports, compositions, special research assignments and projects are some of the activities frequently assigned. Many of these can be done only at home.
Make-Up Work Policy
Exams and/or class work missed due to an unexcused absence (including family trips) may be made up at the discretion of the teacher. Excused absences will be granted two days per absence to make up any missed work or tests. It is the responsibility of the student to check with his teacher(s) to obtain the missed work or to arrange making up missed tests. Students should consult the teacher before a trip is taken. Work may need to be completed before the trip.
Grading Scale and Report Cards
Report cards will be issued every nine weeks on a specified Friday after the grading period. These should be signed by a parent and returned by the following Tuesday.
- K4 (G=Good, S=Satisfactory, NI=Needs Improvement)
- K5 (A, B, C, D, F)
- 1st-12th Grades (A=100-90, B=89-80, C=79-70, D=69-65, F=64 and below)
Honor Rolls (1st-12th Grade)
- Principal’s Honor Roll – A’s in each subject
- Honor Roll – A’s and B’s only in each subject
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled on the school calendar. However, parents are urged to seek a conference with a teacher at any time deemed necessary. Teachers welcome opportunities to talk with parents; however, appointments should be made so as not to conflict with regularly scheduled duties. Parents should contact the teacher or office to schedule a conference.
Concerns should come through proper channels: teacher first; principal next; and finally the Administrator.
Chapel is held once per week. This provides a time of spiritual refreshment as the Word of God is shared. Students are required to bring their Bibles to Chapel services. You will be notified of your student’s chapel day and time.
Extracurricular Activities
Opportunities for students to participate in extra-curricular activities are part of our program. There will be additional guidelines for students to follow in order to maintain active status. Behavioral and academic standards will be discussed at that time.
Field Trips
Elementary classes plan one field trip per semester. Parents are notified of class trips via notes sent home with the students. Students who do not participate will be counted absent. This absence will be unexcused unless prior approval to miss was granted by the principal.
Parents are encouraged to attend most field trips. Any parent/grandparent/guardian who wishes to chaperon a field trip, must complete a background check.
Fund Raisers
Jacksonville Christian Academy is completely self-supporting; therefore, fundraisers are necessary for continual improvements. Our largest fundraiser is the sale of The Conqueror Card. Each family with one student is required to sell a minimum of 10 cards, and families with more than one student are required to sell 20 cards. There are incentives for selling more cards than required. You may sell the cards and turn the money in to the office or you can be billed for them.
In switching over to SchoolWorx, our desire was to streamline paying your bill, viewing grades, and ordering lunches.However, due to insurmountable issues, we have made the decision to return to the HotLunch App (the same one from last year).Login instructions are...
The NC Opportunity Scholarship will now be open to ALL rising, K5-12th grade, NC residents next year! We are urging all JCA families to apply. The application window for new families is Feb 1 - Mar 1. Use this link to create an account and...