
Middle School Academics
Students are taught in all traditional subjects, Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic as well as God’s Design and our past, present, and future responsibility through Bible, History, and Science. A variety of enrichment classes, field trips, and hands on learning activities provide a well-balanced school experience. Middle School students have the opportunity to participate in competitive athletics, fine art activities, and be eligible for the National Honor Society. Each year middle school grades take the IOWA standardized test.
For over 35 years, JCA has taught a curriculum (predominately ABEKA) that is designed to teach the head and reach the heart of each student – providing affordable, quality Christian education for Middle School students in the Jacksonville, North Carolina area.
6th Grade Curriculum
Reading – Sixth graders will enjoy reading exciting selections about animals of all kinds, patriots from America’s past, and Christians in foreign lands. This delightful collection of stories and poems features several well-known authors and introduces students to a variety of interesting characters. Students will read a biographical novel and a Christian fiction novel and use them when writing language book reports. Two speed and comprehension readers contain challenging and interesting selections. Sixth graders will develop a wider range of comprehension skills by answering comprehension questions based on stated facts, implications, and general reasoning.
Language – The sixth grader should be constantly guided to see how grammar applies to his writing and speaking. This Language class gives a thorough, systematic presentation of grammar, composition, and mechanics in a clear and appealing manner. The student will appreciate the explanations and demonstrations of the writing process. Creative writing helps students to think and to convey their thoughts more clearly, critically, and creatively.
Spelling & Poetry – Spelling, Vocabulary, and Poetry 6 teaches students the spelling and meaning of words through the study of prefixes, roots, and suffixes. They will be able to spell and recognize thousands of words after learning these common roots, prefixes, and suffixes.
Math – This math class includes an abundance of practice problems and review exercises to help each student master important arithmetic skills and concepts. Almost daily story problems and frequent problem-solving strategies are featured, providing practical application for real-life situations. Arithmetic 6 takes students from the known to the unknown as they study fractions, decimals, proportions, percents, prime factoring, algebraic equations, measurement, basic geometry, and beginning banking.
History – New World History and Geography offers a Christian perspective on the history and geography of North and South America. It includes a chapter on Canada and a chapter on the recent events in the United States and around the world. Important geographical facts and historical documents that should be given special attention throughout the year are highlighted and placed for easy reference. By reading special-feature articles found throughout the text, students will learn about the lives and contributions of great missionaries and other well-known Christian leaders.
Science – This science class is an excellent bridge between elementary and middle school science. This class presents the universe as the direct creation of God and refutes the man-made idea of evolution. Our text features photos, art, and charts that clearly illustrate the science concepts being taught. Students will apply what they have learned by doing projects and experiments both at home and at school. Some of the topics students will study include invertebrates, plants, forces of the earth, the universe, space travel, and matter and chemistry.
Bible – Every year each grade will have a Bible class where they are taught the cardinal truths from God’s Word and be given lessons on how to apply those truths in today’s world.
Physical Education – Students will have the opportunity to exercise the body that God has given them by participating in cardiovascular exercise, strength and coordination exercises, and team building exercises. A variety of sports are played during the school year: volleyball, basketball, soccer, floor hockey, handball, football, kickball, dodge ball, lacrosse, and softball.
7th Grade Curriculum
English – This grammar class emphasizes the orderly structure of our language and train students to use the English language effectively. This class promotes standards of correct grammar and usage; equipping students with the tools they need to become effective communicators in both speaking and writing. Students will learn to recognize the different parts of speech, fit these parts of speech together to form sentences, join sentences together to make paragraphs, and organize paragraphs into compositions. They will also learn to develop complete and orderly thoughts and to communicate those thoughts clearly and concisely, so that they can use God’s gift of language effectively. Vocabulary, Spelling, and Poetry emphasizes the application of spelling rules to lists of challenging words and the utilization of an expanded vocabulary. All of the spelling words are practical, and many are words that are frequently misspelled. The goals of poetry recitation and memorization are an enjoyment and appreciation of poetic beauty and excellence. Seventh grade literature features stories and poems that can help students increase their understanding of themselves and others. Students will gain exposure to people of different ages, nationalities, races, cultures, and economic levels to develop a better understanding of people’s motives and feelings and to recognize the consequences of particular actions. Students will also become familiar with classics such as A Christmas Carol, Robinson Crusoe, Don Quixote, and Of Plymouth Plantation.
Math – Seventh grade mathematics is the capstone of arithmetic studies. Students must solidify their skills in arithmetic and be confident, competent operational problem solvers before moving on to algebra. Seventh grade mathematics builds on the foundation set in grades 1–6 by the incremental review and practice of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, ratios, percents, and measurements. Students continue to practice their arithmetic skills by applying them to finances and mathematics in daily life. Units on statistics, algebra, plane and solid geometry introduce students to higher mathematics. Word problems and the Problem Solving Strategies feature ensure that students can apply their mathematical skills to everyday situations, and it encourages them to connect varying types of mathematical knowledge. Skills development exercises and abundant practice problems help students to work quickly and accurately.
World History – History of the World is presented from a conservative, Christian perspective as part of a well-rounded program designed to give students a better understanding and a working knowledge of the geography of the Eastern Hemisphere. The goal of the class is threefold: first, to show God’s hand in the history of the world; second, to emphasize the role of individuals in history; and third, to teach the many lessons that can be learned from history. Above all, this class emphasizes the providence of God in the actions of men. It provides students with heroes to emulate and goals to fulfill by focusing on the individuals whose character, initiative, and hard work have made a positive impact on world history.
Science – Many life science classes study the “simple” cell as the origin of life and discuss the “evolution” of life through the plant and animal worlds. This class uses a different approach. We begin with the more complex plant world and human anatomy and physiology. Evolutionary hypotheses are discussed and discarded as unscientific. Similarities between man and animals are explored and proved to be the result of a common Designer, laying a biblical foundation of origins. A look at the complexity of the “simple” cell, the basis of all life, emphasizes the hand of the Creator in its design. A study of ecology shows God’s providential design in the relationships between living things and their environments.
Bible – Every year each grade will have a Bible class where they are taught the cardinal truths from God’s Word and be given lessons on how to apply those truths in today’s world.
Physical Education – Students will have the opportunity to exercise the body that God has given them by participating in cardiovascular exercise, strength and coordination exercises, and team building exercises. A variety of sports are played during the school year: volleyball, basketball, soccer, floor hockey, handball, football, kickball, dodge ball, lacrosse, and softball.
8th Grade Curriculum
English – Two vital abilities, the ability to express one’s ideas creatively as well as correctly and the ability to comprehend and interpret the written word skillfully are built upon the elements which are included in English 8. This class builds upon the skills learned in earlier grammar studies providing foundational practice of proper grammar and developing the basic composition skills used in outlining, summarizing, describing, researching, and letter-writing. Students will also be introduced to new grammar rules and new editing techniques that will allow them to expand their writing skills. Vocabulary, Spelling, Poetry emphasizes using an expanded vocabulary and applying spelling rules when analyzing challenging words. The goals of poetry memorization and recitation are an enjoyment and appreciation of poetic beauty and excellence. Eighth grade literature uses young people’s interest in other places to teach Christian character traits such as compassion, courage, and understanding. Not only will students gain exposure to people of different ages, nationalities, races, cultures, and economic levels through a variety of literary selections, but they will also learn to enjoy reading wholesome literature. Many of the selections were written by famous authors and are well-known classics that are an important part of a student’s education. Featured are excerpts from classics such as Up from Slavery, The Jungle Book, Ben Hur, and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
Math – Pre-Algebra completes the span of study between elementary arithmetic and the more advanced study of mathematics at the high school level. It not only provides mathematical tools for daily practical use, such as banking, graphs, statistics, and measurements, but is an excellent introduction to algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Many links from arithmetic to algebra are highlighted throughout the book. Frequent word problems and the Problem Solving Strategies feature ensure that students can apply their mathematical skills to real-life situations. The problems and strategies also encourage them to connect varying types of mathematical knowledge.
US History – We present American history from a conservative, biblical perspective: God exalts nations and determines their course in human history. We promote the Bible as the center of God’s plan. History is the story of individuals to whom God has given the responsibility to make choices. Unlike secular history classes which suggest that material things—economic conditions, geography, political circumstances, or genetics—are the main causes in history, this history class uses biographical accounts to illustrate that history traces God’s working through people to accomplish His will. Students will also be studying the geography of the Western Hemisphere and federal, state, and local government as part of this course. The knowledge of and familiarity with local offices and officials will encourage students to use the gift of political expression; which is so easily taken for granted in America.
Science – In this class we lay a foundation for future study of the nonliving world. We begin “from the ground up,” starting with soil science and geology. Students learn how geology and the fossil record support the Biblical record of a worldwide Flood—not the hypotheses of evolution. The exploration of the seas includes studying currents, tides, and ocean floor. An investigation of the atmosphere and processes that cause weather includes overviews of several weather phenomena and of measuring and forecasting the weather. The solar system, stars, and galaxies are examined as the creation of God; evolutionary hypotheses of solar-system formation are briefly discussed and shown to be scientifically unsound. Students learn about man’s study and use of astronomy, including an overview of manned and unmanned spaceflight. We conclude with a study of environmental issues, thus teaching students to be good stewards of the natural resources God has provided.
Bible – Every year each grade will have a Bible class where they are taught the truths from God’s Word and be given lessons on how to apply those truths in today’s world.
Physical Education – Students will have the opportunity to exercise the body that God has given them by participating in cardiovascular exercise, strength and coordination exercises, and team building exercises. A variety of sports are played during the school year: volleyball, basketball, soccer, floor hockey, handball, football, kickball, dodge ball, lacrosse, and softball.
In switching over to SchoolWorx, our desire was to streamline paying your bill, viewing grades, and ordering lunches.However, due to insurmountable issues, we have made the decision to return to the HotLunch App (the same one from last year).Login instructions are...
The NC Opportunity Scholarship will now be open to ALL rising, K5-12th grade, NC residents next year! We are urging all JCA families to apply. The application window for new families is Feb 1 - Mar 1. Use this link to create an account and...