Elementary Academics
JCA Elementary students are instructed in all traditional subjects, such as Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic. Early grades benefit from a developmental phonics program. Students also learn about God’s Design and our past, present, and future responsibility through Bible, History, and Science. A variety of enrichment classes, field trips, and hands on learning activities provide a well-balanced school experience.
For over 35 years, JCA has taught a curriculum (predominately ABEKA) that is designed to teach the head and reach the heart of each student – providing affordable, quality Christian education for elementary students in the Jacksonville, North Carolina area.
1st Grade Curriculum
Bible– Bible time is THE BEST time of the day. It includes pledging to the American & Christian flags and Bible. The students learn patriotic songs, hymns and choruses. A Bible verse is memorized each week along with a few Bible passages throughout the year. This special time also consists of prayer time, doctrinal drill, and the Bible lesson which is presented in a meaningful way to the heart of the student. Chapel is once a week.
Penmanship– Cursive writing is taught during penmanship class and focuses on correct formation and accuracy. The importance of creative writing is introduced and students are encouraged to work carefully to accomplish their writing skills.
Phonics and Language– Phonics is taught by reviewing the special sounds introduced at the end of Kindergarten and reinforced with games and reading exercises. Beginning Language concepts include grammar, creative writing, and comprehension activities. Phonics and Language worksheets are included in daily class work.
Reading – Learning to read is the primary goal of an intensive phonics program. By mastering a few simple phonics rules: One- & two-vowel rules, blending, and letter combinations, called special sounds, the students will be well on their way to becoming skillful readers. Reading, Phonics, and Language coordinate to help spring board the students into lifelong readers. Reading homework is assigned nightly.
Spelling– Students learn one spelling lesson per week. The words are chosen to reinforce what is being taught in Phonics. Students write their spelling words in class and for homework and are tested weekly.
Arithmetic – Arithmetic includes counting, place value, addition and subtraction, money, graphs, measurement, time, temperature, and beginning fractions. The students are engaged during instruction with hands-on activities and games. Each day, flash card and speed drills provide an opportunity for individual improvement.
Poetry– Students are acquainted with a variety of poetry selections through classroom recitation and memorization. Poems have been selected because of their beauty of language, aesthetic appeal, literary greatness, or character building qualities. Reciting poetry with good expression will be of great value as the students practice their oral reading skills.
Activity time – Activity time exposes the students to interesting information about Social Studies, Science, and Health. Class visitors, field trips, and hands-on activities make Activity time very enjoyable!
First Grade is so much fun, the students can hardly wait to start Second!
2nd Grade Curriculum
Bible – During Bible time the students Pledge to the American and Christian flags and the Bible. Children’s Bible songs and choruses are taught along with monthly Scripture memory verses. Prayer follows the Bible story. The Bible stories include: Creation, the Lives of Moses & Joshua, and Jesus’ Early and Later life. Chapel is once a week.
Phonics/Language – These two subjects work in conjunction with each other. In Phonics, vowels and consonants are briefly reviewed and Special Sound charts are taught for mastery. In Language, students will study three types of sentences and forming singular, plural, pre-fix and suffix words as well as reinforce creative writing methods.
Reading – Students begin the year by reading in small groups. During the last quarter students read as a whole class. Students are taught the importance of comprehension and are graded based on smoothness and accuracy. Phonics, Language, and Reading are directly correlated to the students’ Reading grade.
Spelling – Students learn one spelling lesson per week. The words are written during seatwork time and for homework. Tests are weekly.
Writing – Upper and lower case cursive writing is taught during Writing Class for the first half of the year. The second half focuses on reviewing writing skills and developing the creative writing process.
Science – In Science students are introduced to basic scientific concepts about the world around them such as plant life, animals, the air, and things that move & work together.
History – Early American history is introduced through the lives of the Indians and settlers. The students will learn the background of holidays and patriotic songs and also be introduced to map reading.
Health – In Health the students will learn to develop good habits in personal hygiene and practicing personal safety. Strategies will be discussed on how to be courteous and using good manners.
Arithmetic – Learning Math is FUN! Students will continue to develop and review addition and subtraction families up to the 18 family, counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, & 10’s, measurement, money and telling time. Multiplying and dividing by 0, 1, 2 and subtraction with borrowing are also introduced. Daily speed drills and weekly testing are given to assess student learning.
Second grade is a blast and a terrific launching pad for Third grade!
3rd Grade Curriculum
Bible – During Bible time the students Pledge to the American and Christian flags and the Bible. Children’s Bible songs and choruses are taught along with Scripture memory verses. Prayer follows the Bible lesson which includes learning about characters of the New Testament. Chapel is once a week.
Reading – Students will continue “class reading” as introduced in second grade. Reading comprehension is one of the main focal points along with an introduction to book reports.
Language – Students will review capitalization and punctuation rules. Correct word and grammar skills will develop through creative writing. As the year progresses students will learn how to recognize and diagram nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
Spelling and Poetry – Spelling will consist of 21 words and 3 definitions weekly. The students will learn to use these words in their daily reading. Spelling words are written each day in class and for homework. Tests are given weekly.
Penmanship – While reinforcing correct cursive letter formation and neatness, students will practice their skills by writing interesting animals facts that will be used in conjunction with the third grade Animal Science Notebook. Penmanship tests are taken once a week.
Science – During the first two quarters, students will take an in-depth look of 0the classification of animals by creating an Animal Notebook. Students will learn beginning organizational skills and how to follow specific project instructions.
Health – During the last two quarters, the students will learn the importance of good posture and proper hygiene. Students will be taught that their bodies are “fearfully and wonderfully made” and how important it is to keep them working properly.
History – During the last two quarters, students will also study American history (early – present day) through the biographies of famous explorers, American Presidents, and many other notorious and heroic men and women who had an impact on American History.
Arithmetic – Students will build on the foundational concepts taught in 2nd grade by continuing multiple digit adding and subtraction. They will continue to build in the areas of multiplication and division by mastering the 0-12 fact families and solving story problems. Students will be introduced to pre-algebraic equations, fractions and more advanced skills preparing them for fourth grade.
Third graders are challenged to strive for excellence in their work ethic and character so they may be prepared for Fourth grade!
4th Grade Curriculum
Bible – Bible class is a time of growing in God’s Word. At the beginning of each class, the students pledge to the American and Christian flags and to the Holy Bible. Students participate in singing hymns and choruses and have opportunity to lead them. Memory passages are assigned and they are reviewed on a daily basis. Bible lessons are taught three days a week, and they range from Old to New Testament stories of Creation and Joseph to the Life of Christ and Paul. Chapel is one day a week.
Arithmetic – Math class begins every day with a timed speed-drill except on quiz or test day. Once completed, new concepts are taught in varies ways. These concepts include: 3 and 4 digit multiplication and division (0-12 families), fractions (proper, improper, mixed), introductory geometry, and beginner’s algebra. In order to review, homework is assigned a few times each week.
Language – In this study of our English language, students will master subjects and predicates, learn to recognize 4 types of sentences, and expand their knowledge of capitalization, punctuation, and forming plural etc. They will also recognize and use all eight parts of speech and expand their diagramming skills.
Reading– Fourth grade students read as a class once each day. In addition to books containing a variety of stories, students will use Adventures in Other Lands and Read and Think4 Skill Sheets. These books designed to increase their speed and comprehension.
Spelling and Poetry – Each week the students learn a new list which includes spelling and vocabulary words. Tests are given weekly. For added practice, students write their words in class and for homework. Specific poems are also assigned to read and memorize.
Penmanship – Penmanship is a daily part of the students’ seatwork. Those who have previously learned to write in Abeka cursive work independently as they continue to master this skill. For those who do not they are instructed and given ample time to learn proper technique when learning to write in cursive.
Science – Understanding God’s World is an inside look at how God created our world in such a systematic, magnificent way. It is taught 3 quarters (27 weeks). Students study insects, plants, birds, matter, energy, geology, oceanography, and astronomy.
Health – Developing Good Health is taught the last nine weeks of school. Students will learn about their bones, muscles, respiratory system, teeth, skin, etc. By the end of the quarter students will see God’s imprint on their physical and spiritual design.
History – The History of Our United States is taught 4 quarters. It includes an overview of our country’s history from the early explorations of the New World to present day, as well as many geography and map study skills. Key documents in our country’s history and facts about our states, capitals, and presidents are memorized.
North Carolina State History is taught for a six weeks stretch during the year. This will mainly consist of a notebook project. Students will learn the history, geography, cities, and many other interesting facts about their state. It truly is a fun, hands-on learning experience!
Character training: Fourth grade can be a smooth transition from third grade. As the students develop into young adults, their behavior and academic expectation’s level rises. A few of these important character traits include kindness and respect towards others, obedience to authority, and personal responsibility. Development in these areas, will allow each student to be better equipped for the Fifth grade.
5th Grade Curriculum
Bible – Showing honor to our country and our Christian faith, Bible time is considered the most important half hour of the school day. Students pledge to the American and Christian Flags and the Bible. It also includes learning Patriotic songs, Bible hymns and choruses, as well as monthly memory verses. Daily Bible lessons, which include Bible stories and character training, and prayer make for a well-rounded start to the day!
Reading– Fifth grade students read as a class once each day. In addition to books containing a variety of stories, students will use Adventures in Nature and Read and Think 5 Skill Sheets. These books are designed to increase their speed and comprehension.
Language– As students continue to study the organization of the English language, they will master subjects, predicates, and their complements, recognize and use all eight parts of speech, and expand their diagramming skills. They also add to their knowledge of capitalization, punctuation, plural formations.
Spelling and Poetry– Each week students are provided with a new list of spelling and vocabulary words and their definitions to learn.
Penmanship – Students complete exercises in their penmanship textbooks to improve their cursive writing skills. Journal entries and other creative writing assignments are regularly scheduled. There are weekly penmanship tests.
Arithmetic– As the students continue to learn the fundamentals of traditional arithmetic, an emphasis is placed upon understanding and working with fractions and decimals. Students have their first introduction to percents, and they continue to expand their understanding of geometry, equations, measures, graphs, and other necessary skills and concepts. Students continue to develop their problem solving skills with daily story problems and frequent Problem Solving Strategies.
Science– Students will learn of God’s order and design in nature and see how science is man’s study of God’s world. Chapter studies include energy & engines, oceanography, botany, geology, weather, and the constellations. Field trips are taken to enhance the students learning experience.
Health– Enjoying Good Health is taught for 30 minutes each day during the last 9 weeks of the school year (following a 27- week science study). Students review the muscular and respiratory systems of the human body and study the circulatory system, nutrition, and personal responsibility in overcoming spiritual battles. The book closes with a practical study about the Christian’s spiritual armor.
History– Old World History and Geography is studied for 30 minutes each day throughout the year. It includes a study of the Middle East where history began, and continues with the geography and cultures of Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, Africa, and Antarctica. A good introduction to worldwide missions and missionary heroes is also given along with contrasts of Americanism and Communism. Key documents in our country’s history and facts about our states/capitals and Presidents are memorized.
In switching over to SchoolWorx, our desire was to streamline paying your bill, viewing grades, and ordering lunches.However, due to insurmountable issues, we have made the decision to return to the HotLunch App (the same one from last year).Login instructions are...
The NC Opportunity Scholarship will now be open to ALL rising, K5-12th grade, NC residents next year! We are urging all JCA families to apply. The application window for new families is Feb 1 - Mar 1. Use this link to create an account and...